So, this is the first time I apply for visa by myself.. I used to tell people to do it for me and pay for more. But right now, I'll try to make it by myself... It's thrilling just like waiting for your exam results.... and now, I'm going to tell you how and also telling all my adventure of applying for visa. if you have any questions or maybe you need my help, feel free to write in the comment section or send me an email :D
My lovely visa <3 |
To apply for visa, you have to go to the Embassy of Japan that's located in Jakarta near Plaza Indonesia or Bunderan HI. Before you go, you have to make sure that you have all of the documents ready!
and these are the requirement for temporary vacation visa: (more information)
- Paspor.
- Formulir permohonan visa. [download (PDF)] dan Pasfoto terbaru (ukuran 4,5 X 4,5 cm, diambil 6 bulan terakhir dan tanpa latar, bukan hasil editing, dan jelas/tidak buram)
- Foto kopi KTP (Surat Keterangan Domisili)
- Fotokopi Kartu Mahasiswa atau Surat Keterangan Belajar (hanya bila masih mahasiswa)
- Bukti pemesanan tiket (dokumen yang dapat membuktikan tanggal masuk-keluar Jepang)
- Jadwal Perjalanan [ download (DOC)] (semua kegiatan sejak masuk hingga keluar Jepang)
- Fotokopi dokumen yang bisa menunjukkan hubungan dengan pemohon, seperti kartu keluarga, akta lahir, dlsb. (Bila pemohon lebih dari satu)
- Dokumen yang berkenaan dengan biaya perjalanan:Bila pihak Pemohon yang bertanggung jawab atas biaya
* Fotokopi bukti keuangan, seperti rekening Koran atau buku tabungan 3 bulan terakhir (bila penanggung jawab biaya bukan pemohon seperti ayah/ibu, maka harus melampirkan dokumen yang dapat membuktikan hubungan dengan penanggung jawab biaya).
What to remember:
- don't forget to attach the company letter to ensure them that you're not jobless and will not trying to find a job in Japan.
- don't forget to attach the hotel booking if you have any. (I don't have one)
- They said that in 2013 for 1 day you have to have at least 1.5 million rupiah/person in your bank account.... so if you want to stay for 5 days, your bank account should be at least 7.5 million rupiah...
- If you don't have a lot of money in your bank account. Don't write such an impossible travel itinerary... such as: you only have 10 million and you will be going all over japan.while even train transport is so expensive that you can't afford it...
- the 4.5 x 4.5 cm picture is a bit hard. because not every studio can make it. I make it in Lippo supermall. They don't have a template for 4.5 x 4.5 and they have a hard time for it. So, I suggest you search a photography studio that can make it.
- for the itinerary, you don't have to be detailed. (Example : you write all of the places address with the time and budget. I only write the place, such as Chiba, Kamakura, Asakusa, etc.)
After all of your documents are ready, now it's time to go to the embassy!!!!
The visa application only available at 8.30 - 12.00 (mon-fri). So, because I live in Tangerang and I don't really familiar with Jakarta's street. I go there at 6 o'clock. I saw google map and said that I will arrive at 1 and a half hour. But, I lost in Jakarta, got redirected by google map, to the middle of bunderan HI, which is it was CLOSED!!!! so that's why nobody went there. I almost got stopped by the police. But I didn't. and because the embassy doesn't have any parking lot and Plaza Indonesia also still closes at this hour. I park at Grand Hyatt hotel and walk to the embassy.
The door at the embassy still closes because I arrived at 8. So, I should wait for 30 minutes. The line already a bit crowded, but everybody was sitting in a chair that was provided. And when someone was get up from the chair, I decided to go to the front to sit because the chair was empty. But suddenly, the gate was opened! and I stand in line to queue in front! We have to wait our turn to come in, give our ID card to the guard inside, go into the door on the right to get checked, get into the embassy and don't forget to push a queue button, and you will get a queue number for visa applicants.
I got 22. While we wait, someone will approach you and give you a form for taking the passport when it's done. 1 passport 1 form.
After got my number called, I went to the counter and give all of my documents. Apparently you don't have to give them the folder, you only gave them the documents, the form that you get while waiting, and your queue number. and that's it... It took me about 10 minutes in the counter. The employee will tell you when to come back here and how much you have to pay. (Rp 330.000/person).
And... you can come back home.... and pray that your visa application is accepted by the embassy!
I was afraid to not get accepted because I was living in someone else's house, so I don't have any hotel booking.
Waiting for the day is the torture...... I don't know what I'm going to do if my application was rejected by the embassy.
Waiting for the day is the torture...... I don't know what I'm going to do if my application was rejected by the embassy.
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