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Japan in May : Day 1 - Odaiba - Joypolis

Arrived in Japan on May 11th midnight. Decided to rest and walk around the city tomorrow morning.

Refrain going to Japan in the beginning of May, because of Golden Week.
Before I go to Japan, I saw that the weather is kinda hot but it will be raining all week. So I prepared for rainy and hot day.....

And when I arrived, in the morning, it's cold af!!!
17 degrees to be precise!! So I wear my scarf and my thin coat.... And when I arrived at Odaiba... It's really hot!!! Orz
The weather is confusing....

My first plan is actually going to Totoro museum or Tora san museum... But it was closed on May! *bad luck
So the host told me about Odaiba as a dating site.

Odaiba is really big! I forgot to find a guide map before going there!

So just wandering around finding my way, but I'm going to give you the map guide!!

Places that you should go in Odaiba
How to get there?

It's easy, from wherever you are, go to Shimbashi station and move to Yurikamome Line. It has a symbol like below, so it's easy to spot.

The symbol represents the rail itself that goes looping like that. It's an automated train. So it's fun to ride. 

Because I don't know where I would go, so I disembark at Odaiba Shinkoen Station, the first station in Odaiba and just trying to find my way...

What's there

After arriving at Odaiba Shinkoen Station, I walk straight, and you will see whether to walk on the bridge or go down to the pedestrian walk. I chose to go down, and not long after that, I saw a huge building called Decks!

Image Credits :

Because it's still quiet in the morning, and I was curious. so I go there, and.....  it was a mall, with an amusement park called Joypolis from SEGA!

Tips : Bring your passport or ID card for a Discount! (Tourist only)
In Joypolis, you have to pay only to enter the theme park, and also pay again to play the games!! But you can buy the free pass...

The Prices

Every game has different rates
Because I got my Foreigner ID Card, they gave me discount from 800 yen to 500 yen... And I got 3 coupons... both of them haven't use it yet... and one of them is one free crane game!

For more information about the prices, you can visit their website :

Even though this is like a tourist attraction and a dating site. They cannot speak English fluently. So, I can't play all of the games because I don't understand their instructions.

Joypolis consists of 3 floors...

Sorry for the really big size, I just hope you guys can see it clearly

First floor was, main stage, souvenir shop,  crane games, Music games, purikura (Photo Booth) and the exclusive games...

I tried the purikura... It's so confusing but also fun!!! I recommend you to try one if you're in Japan!! Don't worry about what pose you  have to make... Because there will be tutorial on what you should do next... LOL

The purikura booth consists of 2 rooms....
First : Pick the pose, and background that you want.... Get into the first booth for posing.... It's really big, so don't worry, you can put your bag inside...
Second : Move to the second booth to decorate your picture, and pick the printing template that you want... Wait outside for your pic...

My Fav pic!

The exclusive games. I don't know how to play it, but there are screen and music... is it a rhythm game?

The Second floor is another interactive games.... and some sonic games...

3rd Floor are games that required closed space, mini games and also cafe..

Host Club?

And in the souvenir shop I found Yamapi's Signature!!!!


So, Conclusion about joypolis is....

If you're a SEGA hardcore fans... Then, Think no more!!! Yes!! Go There!!

But if you're not and you still have lots of money, it's not gonna hurt to just come and see.... But if you're on a budget, better not.... lots of other crane games and purikura in Odaiba, I will tell you in my next blog...

But there are no more initial D, Sonic Games, Ace Attorney games, other than here.... So yeah, it's your choice....

It looks like the blog will keep getting longer.... still a lot more places I wanna talk about in Odaiba...

I'll continue this in another Blog... Next... day 1: Odaiba - Takoyaki Museum, Venus Fort....

To be Continued

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